Fondazzjoni Sebħ has inaugurated a new space where youths about to leave residential care can be trained to lead an independent life.

This space, which is a replica of a small apartment, is separate from the group home and consists of a kitchen, dining room, living room, bathroom, two single bedrooms and a laundry space.

A mentor will guide the youths during sessions in this independent training space. Such sessions may include preparing meals, washing clothes, cleaning, planning shopping, spending short times alone, sleeping overnight alone, etc. This will allow space for planning, action and reflection, so that tasks are learned, gradual adaption to transition is introduced, and feelings are explored.

Thanks to Aġenzija Żgħażagħ, by means of the A4U fund, the flatlet was equipped with a new kitchen with all basic amenities, in order for the youths to be able to visualise, practise and learn in a space that it safe and allows for learning through mistakes.

The kitchen has all basic amenities.The kitchen has all basic amenities.

The foundation’s aftercare services, together with this new space and the support of professional mentors, will help empower these youths through better life skills and more confidence, thus reducing anxieties and fears of the unknown. Most importantly, the foundation believes it will give them the chance they deserve by securing a more stable future.

This project is in line with the National Youth Policy 2021-30 strategic goal of ‘Facilitating young people’s transition to adulthood’.

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