Updated with Labour Party's statement at 4.40 pm

George Gregory’s role as the new CEO of Malta Enterprise is “untenable” after a report linked him to the controversial Vitals Global Healthcare deal, the Nationalist Party said on Tuesday.

Previously a managing partner of RSM Malta, a global network of professional services firms, Gregory was appointed Malta Enterprise CEO earlier this month. He succeeded Kurt Farrugia, who now serves as Transport Malta CEO.

At a press conference, shadow ministers Adrian Delia and Jerome Caruana Cilia described Gregory's appointment as "surreal", as they referred to a report by the PN's publication Il-Mument that links Gregory to the controversial Vitals Global Healthcare deal.

According to the report, Gregory was involved in "several critical stages" of the Vitals project, and his role included consultancy work and preparation of strategic assessment documents.

Delia and Caruana Cilia slam Gregory's involvement in what they describe as the "biggest fraud in Malta's history". They also say the appointment of Gregory is just another part of the Prime Minister's game of "musical chairs".

Delia said Gregory was involved in drafting a strategic assessment titled 'Strategic Assessment for Developing Best-in-Class Health Care Services and Medical Educational Facilities in Malta', which defined the project’s infrastructural and financial goals.

He continued to say how Gregory served as a consultant for the project and was involved in an evaluation committee responsible for assessing bids for the hospital project. While not an evaluator, Delia claimed Gregory would advise the evaluators involved in the project.

“Gregory was obliged to say if we want the best service, we definitely can’t select this company (Vitals), but that is not what he did,” said Delia.

Delia quoted the report, stating Gregory's firm audited Vitals Global Healthcare's accounts from 2015 to 2017, during which time the accounts were neither prepared on schedule nor adequately monitored.

"Despite these concerns, Robert Abela and Silvio Schembri decided that George Gregory was the best choice as CEO of Malta Enterprise, as Abela continues to play 'musical chairs' " Delia concluded. 

PN in 'partisan attack': Economy Ministry

Following the press conference, the Economy Ministry published a statement saying it was disappointed with the PN's "partisan attack" on Gregory. 

In the statement, the ministry said Gregory was never active in politics, and said the PN is trying to confuse facts that can be verified from public information.

The reality is that Gregory served as an accountant for 30 years, working for the finest organisations, and serving also as a partner in three international organisations. 

‘A hypocritical opposition attacks professionals’: PL

The Labour Party said the PN’s hypocrisy has “no limit” and called out the party for “attacking professionals who choose to serve their country”.

“The partisan attacks and the cheap politics” of the PN, according to the PL statement, said it shows the PN has not changed at all.

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