The Forum Unions Maltin (For.U.M.) has called for a meeting of the Malta Council for Social and Economic Development to discuss the current COVID-19 situation.
In a statement it said its council met on Wednesday to discuss the latest COVID-19 developments, the industrial unrest of the past days, and the redeployment of COVID-19’s response team coordinator Kenneth Grech.
An expert on public health, Grech was told over the weekend that his services within the response team were no longer needed and that he would be transferred elsewhere.
Doctors, nurses, teachers and church schools have all demanded that Grech be reinstated in his COVID-19 response team post.
Grech is understood to have advised the Education Ministry and other school stakeholders to keep schools closed following the Christmas holidays.
For.U.M. said it agreed with the several requests that have already been made by unions and organisations for the government to withdraw its decision about Grech.
It insisted the pandemic should be taken seriously and that the government should not discard its best human resources available to keep tabs on COVID-19.