Updated 11.58am

France's Thierry Breton announced Monday he was quitting the European Commission with immediate effect, claiming EU chief Ursula von der Leyen had asked Paris to withdraw his candidacy for the incoming executive.

The shock resignation of the bloc's powerful internal market commissioner comes a day before von der Leyen was expected to unveil the makeup of her next commission, in the wake of EU-wide elections in June.

French President Emmanuel Macron had put forward Breton's name for France's spot on the commission, and his reappointment to a major role -- reflecting the country's weight within the 27-nation EU -- had been taken as a given.

"In the very final stretch of negotiations on the composition of the future College, you asked France to withdraw my name," Breton wrote in a letter to von der Leyen, posted on X. 

The European Commission did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The French government said it would nominate its outgoing Foreign Affairs Minister Stéphane Séjourn in Breton's stead.   

Breton, whose strained relationship with his EU boss was no secret during her first five-year mandate, said the request was made "for personal reasons that in no instance you have discussed directly with me."

He said von der Leyen had "offered, as a political trade-off, an allegedly more influential portfolio for France in the future College."

"You will now be proposed a different candidate," he said.

"In light of these latest developments -- further testimony to questionable governance -- I have to conclude that I can no longer exercise my duties in the College," Breton wrote.

"I am therefore resigning from my position as European Commissioner, effective immediately."

One of the EU's most influential figures, Breton has been the bloc's internal market commissioner since 2019 and has taken a hard line against abuses by the world's biggest digital platforms.

His portfolio also included defence and space, overseeing a defence industry push and marshalling the production of COVID-19 jabs.

The former CEO of France Telecom had been tipped to get a promotion to be a commission vice president stewarding industrial growth. 


The 69-year-old was seen by Paris as a key counterweight to Berlin's influence at the heart of the EU. 

"Over the past five years, I have relentlessly striven to uphold and advance the common European good, above national and party interests," Breton wrote in announcing his resignation.

"It has been an honour."

How the 27-member commission's portfolios are divvied up will send a strong signal regarding the EU's political direction and the relative influence of each member state -- after EU parliament elections marked by far right gains.

Von der Leyen has been leaning on member countries to put forward more women to make up the bloc's executive arm, after most -- including France -- ignored her request for a choice between one man and one woman candidate. 

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