The number of women employed by the government’s Cleaning and Maintenance Division was up 20% last year, Junior Minister Glenn Bedingfield told workers to mark International Women’s Day.

Bedingfield said the increase in women working with the cleaning directorate was a “clear sign of positive change in a sector that was historically male-dominated.”

“This is a sign of the progress we are making to encourage women into different economic sectors. We are seeing women progress, break through barriers and proving that every job, role and sector should be open to anyone irrespective of gender,” Bedingfield said.

Women working within the division occupy various roles, ranging from manual labourers to managers. The junior minister thanked them for their contribution to making Malta cleaner. 

A statement issued through the Department of Information to highlight his remarks did not provide details about number of women working at the division or its total workforce. 

Bedingfield (centre) with some of the division's staff members. Photo: DOIBedingfield (centre) with some of the division's staff members. Photo: DOI

 Ramon Deguara, who leads the division as its director-general, said the increased contingent of female workers was welcome.

“Their dedication is fundamentally in ensuring we continue to improve the quality of Service we provide. We are committed to offering opportunities to everyone,” Deguara said.

The event also featured a discussion about women’s role in the workplace, work-life balance, the value of union membership and state incentives for women to work.

General Workers’ Union secretary generak Josef Bugeja and Department of Industrial and Employment Relations director Diane Vella Muscat were among the speakers.

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