GSD has announced changes in its strategic leadership. Maria Micallef, current CEO, will assume the role of executive director, with Mark Farrugia taking on the role of general manager.

With over 20 years of senior management experience, Micallef has played a pivotal role in driving GSD’s success and business transformation. As CEO of the General Soft Drinks Co. Ltd., she has led key expansion initiatives, operational improvements and corporate governance advancements.

In her new role as executive director, Micallef will focus on long-term strategic initiatives, ensuring that GSD remains at the forefront of innovation, industry leadership and sustainable business practices.

She is an accomplished leader across various industries ranging from aviation, insurance brokerage and retailing. In addition to her current role within GSD, she is executive director at the Waterfront Hotel, as well as the Institute of English Language Studies. She also sits as a non-executive director on other boards and also serves on the board of trustees for the Richmond Foundation.

As he steps into the role of general manager, Farrugia brings a strong background in sales, marketing and business development. Having previously served as GSD’s head of sales and marketing, Farrugia has been instrumental in enhancing market positioning, strengthening customer engagement and driving revenue growth.

With his expertise in market strategies, business expansion and operational leadership, he will oversee daily operations and departmental alignment, ensuring efficiency, performance optimisation and continued business success.

This leadership transition represents an important step in GSD’s ongoing growth and development. With Micallef providing strategic oversight as executive director and Farrugia leading daily operations as general manager, GSD says it is well positioned to continue its trajectory of “excellence, innovation and industry leadership”.

“Together, their combined expertise will further strengthen GSD’s commitment to innovation, operational excellence and sustainable growth,” the company said in a statement.

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