Health authorities are advising people to ignore a false message suggesting that COVID-19 vaccines can be obtained without an appointment at a number of health centres.

The message, which is circulating on social media, lists a number of locations where Pfizer vaccines are supposedly being administered without appointments for the next 10 days to those over 40. 

This is false, health authorities confirmed. 

The false notice circulating on social media.The false notice circulating on social media.

Those over 40 can currently sign up for a vaccine appointment either by sending an SMS with their ID card to 9918 0045 or by filling a form online.

Malta has been administering Pfizer, Moderna and Astra Zeneca vaccines but the Johnson and Johnson single-dose vaccine, which Malta received last Friday, can now also start to be used.

More than 300,000 doses of the vaccine had been given by Thursday with a total of 6,790 jabs being given on Wednesday, the highest number given in a single day since COVID-19 vaccines started to be administered in Malta.

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