A father-of-three undergoing separation proceedings from his wife admitted to harassment and threats upon his arraignment on Sunday. 

Matters between the estranged couple escalated after the 51-year-old Marsascala resident, whose name is being withheld to protect the identity of his victims, posted a picture of a Glock firearm on Facebook. 

The man was arrested and escorted to court on Sunday evening, facing charges of causing his ex and children to fear violence, and harassing, insulting and threatening the woman through the use of electronic communications equipment. 

The court heard that the accused had also been involved in a separate incident last July during which he slightly injured his wife at the couple's former home. 

The man pleaded guilty. 

When making submissions on punishment his lawyer Ishmael Psaila explained that the couple were going through personal separation. 

The accused's wrongdoing stemmed from heartbreak, argued his lawyer. 

The lawyer, therefore, suggested that a term of probation coupled with a treatment order would be appropriate since it would strike a balance between the rights of the accused and those of society in general. 

A request for bail pending judgment was upheld by the court against a deposit of €2,500.

The court, presided over by Magistrate Astrid May Grima, is expected to deliver judgment later this month. 

Inspectors Omar Zammit and Colin Sheldon prosecuted. Lawyer Ishmael Psaila was defence counsel.

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