‘Shocking and Disrespectful’ as Swieqi United pull teams from youth finals

Club was set to play U-21 and U-17 women KO finals in less than 24 hours.

April 30, 2023| Times of Malta 1 min read
Swieqi United are forced to play two KO finals, in different age groups in less than 24 hours. Photo: Jonathan SajebaSwieqi United are forced to play two KO finals, in different age groups in less than 24 hours. Photo: Jonathan Sajeba

Swieqi United have announced that they will not be fielding their sides in both U-21’s and U-17’s women Knock-Out finals on Sunday and Monday, the club said on Saturday evening.

On Thursday, Swieqi president Dr Justin Fenech said that he was disappointed that the Malta Football Association had not taken seriously the welfare of young players by rescheduling the U-17 and U-21 women’s KO finals, pencilled to be played in less than 24 hours between Sunday and Monday, and said that he was seriously considering pulling out one of his teams from playing.

The Malta Football Association scheduled the final of the U-21 final between Swieqi United and Raiders, for Sunday at the Centenary Stadium, with kick-off set at 11am. Then the following day, Swieqi United were due be in action again in the U-17 KO final against Hibernians at the Marsascala Stadium, at 10am.

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