A homeless man was charged with seriously injuring an elderly man when he allegedly stabbed him with a flick knife after he refused to give him money in Ħamrun on Sunday evening.

Marcus Slaine Azzopardi, 26, pleaded not guilty to seriously injuring 64-year-old Joseph Frantz, the possession of the knife without a licence and resisting arrest on January 19 at 8.30pm in Ħamrun.

When examined by Magistrate Caroline Farrugia Frendo, and asked where he lived, Azzopardi said that he currently lived in a field. When asked what he did for a living he replied: “I collect bottles from bins and beg for money.”

He was remanded in custody after no bail request was made. 

Police Inspector Elisia Scicluna prosecuted together with lawyer Miryea Mifsud on behalf of the Attorney General.

Lawyer Alexia Vassallo represented Azzopardi as legal aid.

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