A foundation that runs three homes for persons with disability has been taken over on orders from the authorities amid concerns about “shocking” living conditions.

Representatives of HILA, a part of Care Malta, last week took over the operations of Fondazzjoni Wens, which operates residential services for 43 people with intellectual and physical disabilities. 

The intervention came after concerns were raised about living conditions in the foundation’s homes – Dar il-Wens and Dar Abilità in Kalkara, and Dar Merħba in Fgura.

Fondazzjoni Wens has been operating since 1990 and was a pioneer in the sector when it was established. However, in the past year, concerns have mounted about the state of the residences, the quality of care, as well as nepotism within the homes.  

The Social Care Standards Authority (SCSA) confirmed that Fondazzjoni Wens was no longer coordinating the operations of the homes due to concerns over living conditions that “were not up to standard”, but did not go into further detail. 

However, photos from the day HILA took over showed one of the homes in a shabby and dirty state, including cracks in ceilings, exposed steel reinforcements, and faeces on the wall in one of the rooms. 

Sources in the sector described it as “the worst home I saw in Malta”, “shocking” and “in a clear state of neglect”.

The Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations (OCVO) explained that multiple agencies were involved in reviewing Fondazzjoni Wens before the takeover. It is the first time that a takeover was forced on a voluntary organisation. 

The OCVO said it had engaged with the superintendent of public health, Identity Malta, Jobsplus and the police as it sought to “establish the facts” concerning the foundation. 

Sources in the sector described it as “the worst home I saw in Malta”, “shocking” and “in a clear state of neglect”

Photos from the day HILA took over showed one of the homes in a shabby and dirty state, including holes in ceilings, exposed steel reinforcements, and faeces on the wall in one of the rooms.

Photos from the day HILA took over showed one of the homes in a shabby and dirty state, including holes in ceilings, exposed steel reinforcements, and faeces on the wall in one of the rooms.





In December, an interim board was appointed by the NGO commissioner to manage the foundation with a specific mandate to improve governance and compliance.  

The commissioner said the board’s responsibilities included ensuring safety and accessibility in the homes, addressing deficiencies in service standards to meet licensing requirements, and safeguarding the dignity and well-being of the 43 residents, who remain in the premises. 

Foundation CEO posed as patient 

The story gained attention after a man claiming to be the brother of a resident with Down’s syndrome, identifying himself as “Joe Abela,” contacted Times of Malta and alleged that families had been blindsided by the takeover and staff had been fired, without prior warning. 

However, it later transpired that “Joe Abela” was actually the former CEO of the foundation, Ronald Galea. After being found out, Galea admitted to Times of Malta that he called under a false name because he was also the guardian of some residents and thought his arguments would have more credibility if he didn't share his real name.

Nonetheless, the board of Fondazzjoni Wens confirmed that families were not informed of the takeover in advance but said this was due to the urgency of the situation. 

“Unfortunately, the circumstances did not allow for giving prior notice,” the board stated. A meeting with families was held on February 3, where they were given details about the transition. 

“Those present showed they understood the board’s position and that they are in agreement on the way forward,” the board said.

The board noted that none of the staff were fired. 

Disputed claims over the state of the homes 

Galea, who founded Fondazzjoni Wens in 1990, strongly refuted claims that the homes were in a state of neglect. 

“There are always things that can be improved,” he admitted but insisted the allegations were inflated. 

Addressing the issue of faeces on the walls, Galea explained: “You need to understand we have severely disabled people, and this can happen. I am sure it wouldn’t have been there for long, if indeed it was there.”

He expressed frustration over the takeover, arguing that he had been working to improve conditions but faced resistance from the newly formed board. 

“If it was up to me, I would turn the home into a five-star hotel,” he said, adding that he had tried to hire an interior designer to improve the facilities but was blocked by the board.

“I built it from nothing," said Galea, who explained he managed to raise millions of euros for the foundation. 

He questioned why the takeover happened so quickly, especially since he had been granted a licence to operate every year.

Dar il-Wens was in a bad state.Dar il-Wens was in a bad state.

Concerns over nepotism

Galea also defended his management practices, despite concerns of nepotism. It was found that around 14 staff members were directly related to him or his partner. 

When contacted he said: “I believe in nepotism a lot. The law doesn’t say that you can’t work with your family.”

However, concerns were raised about one staff member – a relative of Galea – who had been previously found guilty by a court of physically and mentally harming a person with the mental age of a six-year-old. 

Galea defended the individual, stating they had completed their probation and community service, had a clean conduct, and was not “that kind of person”. 

Sources in the sector argued that the fact that Fondazzjoni Wens was allowed to operate under these conditions for so long suggests a broader failure of oversight. 

“The authorities chose to close their eyes,” one source said.

HILA declined to comment on the takeover or their plans to improve the residences. Care Malta, which owns HILA, is a privately owned company that operates multiple care facilities across Malta.

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