Let’s cover the fundamentals first: are the foundations of your home correctly built, and is the building structurally sound? If so, it’s time for interior design.

When designing your home, focus first on your most functional rooms: the kitchen, living space and main bathroom. Revamping these areas will both transform your home and boost your property’s value – not least because these are the rooms buyers prioritise when seeking a new abode.

A practical bathroom in an at-home gym of a St Julian’s property.A practical bathroom in an at-home gym of a St Julian’s property.

Kitchen perfection

Do: Balance storage, functionality and aesthetics

Kitchen design should centre on food preparation, cooking and cleaning. Ensure your kitchen’s layout accommodates these activities while also providing warm and cool storage. Beyond practicalities, your kitchen’s aesthetics should create a balanced space that enhances your daily life. We delve further into the intricacies of kitchen design in our article on how to design the ideal kitchen.

Don’t: Overcrowd the space

During the planning phase, avoid cramming too many design elements into your kitchen. Not every Pinterest idea needs to be included. Select designs that work best for your space, avoiding clutter and conflicting styles.

Do: Choose durable materials

Opt for materials that suit your kitchen’s practical functions. For example, marble countertops may stain easily, so consider alternatives if you cook frequently. While style is undoubtedly a key factor, longevity and maintenance are crucial considerations when choosing materials for any room, but perhaps more so for your kitchen.

Don’t: Rely solely on ceiling lights

Despite being useful for ambient lighting, ceiling lights often generate a clinical atmosphere. They can create harsh shadows and an uninviting space to work in. Instead, incorporate layered, task lighting to make your kitchen more comfortable and visually appealing.

Living room luxury

Do: Leave space for personalisation

As the main area where guests will spend time, your living room needs to be warm and inviting – a true reflection of your character. Add personal touches like artwork, trinkets and travel mementos to your décor to make the space uniquely yours.

Don’t: Use matching furniture sets

Avoid furnishing your living room with matching furniture sets, which can make the space feel flat and lifeless due to a lack of variety in colours and textures. Instead, mix and match pieces that serve both a functional and aesthetic purpose. For example, blend a simple sofa with two statement armchairs to create a curated, layered look.

An inviting living room in a Swieqi duplex penthouse.An inviting living room in a Swieqi duplex penthouse.

Do: Promote warmth and social interaction

Besides helping you relax, your living room should make your guests feel comfortable too. Arrange furniture to encourage socialising, with seating placed opposite each other and close enough for easy conversation. Include side tables and soft furnishings for enhanced comfort. Additionally, warm lighting, rather than cold white light, creates a cosy ambience – perfect for unwinding after a long day of work or among friends and family.

Don’t: Choose stark white walls

Bright white walls can feel cold and uninviting, so choose softer off-whites for a more welcoming atmosphere. Test paint samples on different walls to see how they change with the light. Similarly, plain carpets might seem like a simple choice, but they are hard to keep clean, especially with children or pets around. Patterned carpets are more forgiving, and they also add visual interest, making your living room both practical and stylish.

Do: Experiment with colourful sheers

Textiles are such a fun design element to play with. Add colourful sheers alongside white curtains to give a pop of colour and enhance the light in the room. We leveraged this approach in our Balluta project, where we used white curtains with a pink sheer underneath to manipulate the light and create a warm atmosphere. We expand on this approach in our article on reimagining your living room. 

Bathroom bliss

Do: Embrace bold design choices

Breathe new life into your bathroom – the perfect space to experiment with design. You can easily enhance a main bathroom by playing around with a combination of design elements. Layer colours, patterns and décor to create a ‘jewel box’ effect that is rich in detail and style.  

Don’t: Overlook durability

When designing bathrooms, some practical considerations must be kept in mind. Durability is essential, so choose bathroom features and design elements that ensure longevity. This not only saves you money in the long term but also preserves the intricate details you add to the space.

Do: Keep lighting functional

Bathroom lighting influences our daily routines, particularly when it comes to self-care. Poor lighting makes it difficult to get ready, so use a combination of vanity, accent and general lighting to create a design that is both functional and relaxing.

These dos and don’ts offer a solid foundation for your home design, but if you ever find yourself getting stuck, remember the initial design brief you set yourself. By revisiting your original inspiration, you will stay on course for creating your dream home, ultimately increasing your property’s value and making it more appealing to future buyers.

For further design guidance, reach out to Paul and Malcolm at https://rebirth-design.com/.

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