Roberta Metsola believes that Alex Agius Saliba and Daniel Attard’s abstentions “show the lack of cohesion and the complete division in the Labour Party today”.

Metsola addressed the issue in a short interview with Times of Malta after she secured a second term as European Parliament president, obtaining a record-breaking 90 per cent of the votes.

She said the result showed that bridges and alliances could be built in the European Parliament.

Asked how she can expect to build bridges when a third of the Maltese MEPs declared their abstention, Metsola said “I take the result as it is. Everybody is responsible for his vote”.  

The full interview with Roberta Metsola. Reporting: Mario Xuereb; Video: EP Service; Editing: Karl Andrew Micallef

Alluding to the divisions she believes exist within Labour ranks, Metsola said that the past decade in the EP has shown how Malta’s six MEPs “have no option but to work together.”

While Agius Saliba and Attard, declared their abstentions in the secret ballot, Labour's third MEP Thomas Bajada, refused to reveal how he voted, saying he will explain his vote on Wednesday.

The PN MEPs David Casa and Peter Agius voted for Metsola.

Metsola called for more cross-party co-operation, saying she wants Maltese MEPs to work together to ensure that European legislation does not impact Malta negatively.

“In the last five years we showed that when the government lost the plot, or when the messages got lost in translation, our citizens were left in a situation where they have to pay more than other EU citizens.”

Times of Malta revealed on Monday that a new EU emissions directive backed by Malta's MEPs will cost Maltese taxpayers an extra €7 million in increased prices for everything from food to furniture by the end of this year. 

Metsola in 2027?

Meanwhile, Metsola also fielded questions about her future, refusing to discount standing for Malta’s national parliament.

Her current term as European Parliament President expires in January 2027.

The general elections in Malta are due in the same year but the dates remain the prerogative of the Prime Minister.

Asked directly, Metsola replied: “we will see.”

"I have been elected for five years in this European Parliament.  Today I just ran another election, and it is one where I thank the commitment and the trust that the Maltese and Gozitans placed in me.  And it is that trust that I will continue to build on. It is that trust that I will continue to build on and it is that trust that I will heed every time.”

On her priorities as president, Metsola said she wants an EU that works on values, peace, tolerance and respect.

She also identified institutional balance, the nomination of commissioners and legislative priorities in asylum, security, and defence as "immediate priorities."

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