The PN on Friday published its proposed labour migration policy, insisting the strategy must be shaped by a clear vision of the economic model Malta needs.

The government's policy was unveiled for public consultation last month and will remain open until February 9.

Among others, the Malta Chamber welcomed the proposed policy, however warned that for the strategy to be effective, fewer people needed to be employed in the public sector.

On Friday the PN criticised the PL's "lack of economic vision" in its proposed policy. 

Shadow ministers Ivan Castillo and Darren Carabott told a press conference the government's proposals should have been accompanied by a vision outlining which new economic sectors will be developed in Malta and how the existing ones will be strengthened.

"Instead, the Malta Labour Migration Policy is merely a political exercise by the Labour Government, designed to create the illusion of action being taken.

"In reality, it is nothing more than a delayed reaction to the population explosion, which has occurred without planning or control," they said.

They added the policy document should have been developed "in the exclusive interest of Malta and its citizens, rather than as a damage control mechanism for the Labour government’s failures".

For years, the government pursued an economic model based on quantity rather than quality, the shadow ministers said, adding this led to a situation where Malta was struggling to cope with new demands in areas such as infrastructure, resources, services, education, accommodation, and healthcare.

"The negative consequences of this government policy are now being felt at all levels of society. This consultation process, apart from being rushed, has come too late.

"The PN has been warning for years that this would become a problem. PN leader Bernard Grech has been calling for a national conference for over four years to address the ongoing challenges created by the rapid population growth caused by the influx of foreign workers into the country and the impact this is having on the economy, society, and Malta’s national identity."

The PN’s proposals focus on:

  • Ensuring that migration policies align with a long-term economic vision that benefits workers, businesses and Maltese communities
  • Identifying the specific and sectoral workforce needs of the labour market to ensure that Malta attracts only the workers it truly requires
  • Basing migration policy on continuous labour market studies to maintain a competitive and sustainable workforce in Malta

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