The latest edition of Xjenza Online (volume 12, issue 2), a peer-reviewed, free, open-access science journal published by the Malta Chamber of Scientists, was recently issued.

Among the articles featured in the edition are a number on research studies on: differential exposure to English in European academia; occupational health and safety in Malta’s construction sector; offshore green hydrogen production potential in Malta; land-use changes in the Maltese islands; and the impact of migration on Malta’s demographic transition.

The journal also includes news articles on OiPub, a new platform for researchers, and highlights from the COPCA 2024 conference in Valletta.

Xjenza Online provides a platform for researchers in Malta to share their findings with the global scientific community. The journal is available for free at this website.

For contributions to the next edition, and for more information, e-mail editor-in-chief Cristiana Sebu at

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