A new minimum wage

It was reported in the Times of Malta (March 22) that a low wage commission is being appointed in order to deal and propose recommendations about a new national minimum wage.

The purpose of this commission is ‘to ensure a just wage that reflects cost of living and results in proper income for a decent living’.

It has been declared that trade unions, employers and the government will be represented on the commission.

Where are the representatives of the elderly and pensioners who are at risk of poverty or have low income?

Pensioners should be represented on the low wage commission.Pensioners should be represented on the low wage commission.

It has to be mentioned that thousands of pensioners depend entirely on the national minimum pension. Who is going to defend their interests?

Everybody should be aware of the fact that, in terms of section 50 of the Social Security Act, the national minimum pension is calculated on the national minimum wage besides other statutory conditions. Therefore, pensioners are very much interested and concerned about the new minimum wage.

In the light of the above, it is expected and requested that pensioners have a representative in the commission for a valid and just reason.

With regret, it has to mentioned that the government, which is represented by both political parties, has always excluded pensioners from having a representative in the MCESD. Do not repeat the same mistake. Pensioners deserve better treatment and should be involved in this very important measure which deals specifically about income for a decent living.

My final appeal goes to the National Council for the Elderly, the Alliance of Pensioners Association, the National Association of Pensioners and other representatives of pensioners to take action and stop once and for all this discrimination and exclusion to the detriment of thousands of pensioners.

Carmel Mallia – former president of the Alliance of Pensioners Association, Rabat

Thanks from Brazil mission

I would like to thank the Mission Fund, in the name of my diocese of Jundiaí, in Brazil, for the donation that was made towards our work in Brazil. This donation will be used by the Diocesan Caritas and for the formation of our seminarians. Caritas is responsible for the social aspect of the diocese, mainly by financing projects with the aim of helping poor families to have a better quality of life.

This contribution will also be used for the education of our seminarians in a country where the number of priests is very low, thus the need for more investment in this area. At present, our diocese has nine seminarians in the Propaedeutical level, 11 in the philosophical course, 19 in the theological course and six in the pastoral year before the priestly ordination, that is 45 in all.

Finally, I urge all benefactors to continue praying for me and for all the other Maltese missionaries, while also continuing to give your support through donations to the Mission Fund.

Vincent Costa – Bishop Emeritus of Jundiaí, Brazil

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