Inspirational love

Just one word explains the outpouring of affection during Mgr Victor Grech’s funeral – love.

He desired to work either as a medical doctor or a priest in order to be able to help others in need and he was chosen by the Lord to be in his service. He accomplished the mission he was entrusted exclusively to the full. His love could make traumatic experiences seem lighter. He is simply a model of hope, meeting the Lord precisely in the Jubilee year of Hope.

One of the San Blas residents who carried the coffin said that that was the least he could do for this great man who carried the problems – of those in need – with love.

A generous benefactor, he was an authentic witness of a Church that loves not that judges. His tenderness reflected that of a suffering but above all triumphant Jesus within a dynamic Christianity.

Photo: Matthew MirabelliPhoto: Matthew Mirabelli

Was it a coincidence he was called to eternal life so close to the feast of St Paul, welcomed – together with his crew – by the natives with unusual kindness?

“If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge and if I have a faith that moves mountains but do not have love I am nothing.” Corinthians 13.

Thank you Mgr Grech for your precious legacy of an extraordinary inspirational love, sealed with a penetrating, serene, indelible smile. Stay with us.

Josephine Vella – Fleur-de-Lys

One aim in governing

The acclamation that the prime minister received during a recent Corradino celebration by the Labour Party in honour of his five years’ tenure of office as prime minister, proved, that during those five years, Robert Abela served awfully well all those who profess to be staunch Labourites.

He served them well indeed, whether directly or indirectly. Without mentioning all those who accepted luscious, well-paid jobs and benefits lashed out by the public administration, they have an obligation to laud their leader and prime minister.

Plus all this, there are instances when some transgressor coming from the government side, was removed but rewarded with another job worth more than his/her previous one! This was really to spite those who just could not believe what was going on. Yet Abela gets applauded for his abusive mismanagement of employees, treasury funds and administration.

It goes without saying that the present government’s sole aim of governing is to appease, at any cost, all those who profess to be Labourites. It is a now or never situation, like making hay while the sun shines. Approaching the 12th year in power it is about time that no more hay is available and this government is brought to a halt before more favouritism is dished out. We have had enough.

Anthony Saliba – St Paul’s Bay

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