Feast of Our Lady of the Lily in Mqabba

The administrative committee of the Our Lady of the Lily Musical Society of Mqabba would like to thank all those who have incessantly worked so that the feast of Our Lady of the Lily 2024, celebrated in Mqabba between June 6 and 16 was such a great success.

The Feast of Our Lady of the Lily, in Mqabba was a great success.The Feast of Our Lady of the Lily, in Mqabba was a great success.

Special mention must go to the Lily Fireworks, the decorations section, the youth and women’s sections, bandstand and band commission, radio commission, the Confraternity of the Immaculate Conception, the Lily youths and juniors and, last but not least, all members and supporters. Our appreciation goes also towards the parish priest and clergy, the police and the Mqabba local council.

Special thanks go to the many Maltese and foreign nationals who paid a visit to Mqabba during the feast week to admire a complete traditional Maltese feast abounding with magnificent art and spectacular fireworks.

Marvin Sciberras – public relations officer, Soċjetà Mużikali Madonna tal-Ġilju, Mqabba

Abused, frozen, unwanted children

These poor human beings, the frozen human embryos, are abused from the very first moment of their existence. Immediately, they are assessed and pitted one against the other, in competition. 

The lucky few are selected for implantation into a womb. The unlucky ones are very deeply frozen and left stranded in this absurd state, prisoners in what the late and great geneticist Jerome Lejeune had called “concentration cans”.

This is the horrendous scenario at the very start of these babies’ existence. From the outset, these little human beings, my and your embryonic fellows, are treated as products and commodities.

Those not planted in a womb may end up as unwanted by their legal ‘owners’. The commodity attitude towards these frozen babies is betrayed by the choice of words used in their regard: prospective parents indicate that they will no longer use the embryos. So much for the quality of vetting (if any) of the prospective parents.

IVF is immoral. It replaces or substitutes for the conjugal act. When the child is ‘produced’, it comes to be not as a gift from God, which, in truth, it is, but as a product of human control, manipulation and ‘expertise’.

The physician is at the service of the person(s) (baby ‘produced’ included) and of human procreation. He does not have the authority to dispose of either. He is to aid but not substitute for them. IVF goes well beyond the God-blessed medical art and science in the curing of pathologies and in aiding nature.

In earlier articles, I warned MPs and sitting presidents that passing IVF and embryo-freezing processes into law would make them complicit in its evil. Their law made licit the imprisonment of these, the littlest children of God. It spits in the face of God. God says: “Amen, I say to you, as long as you did it to one of these, you did it to Me” (Bible Mt 25:40).

Physician-fiddling in the natural process of begetting human beings propels humanity down the slippery-slope to an evil anti-human world. Artificial contraception leads to IVF and elective abortion and to euthanasia and infanticide (partial-birth abortion). The IVF embryo commodity status provokes eugenics.

Welcome to the evil world just dawning in your hospital. Does anybody hear the cry of our frozen embryonic fellows? Does anybody care?

Peter Micallef-Eynaud MD – St Julian’s

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