A scheme aimed at strengthening Malta’s local film industry has been opened by Arts Council Malta.
In a statement Thursday, the culture ministry said the funds available to the Screen Support Scheme had also been raised to €2 million, triple the amount offered three years ago.
The scheme comprises five strands: screenwriting, development, short film, feature-length production, and cultural programmes.
Culture Minister Owen Bonnici called it an “important pillar” for the creative industry, and that it "continues to show how much the Government is listening and acting to strengthen this sector.”
“Culture and creativity are crucial to our identity, and with this scheme we are giving Maltese artists the opportunity to continue to produce quality work that reflects local talent,” said Bonnici.
Arts Council executive chairperson Albert Marshall, meanwhile, highlighted the increased funding available to the scheme.
Guidelines and applications may be found on the Arts Council website, with applications closing on April 15.
The ministry said applications would be assessed on “originality, vision and impact on local and international audiences.”
First launched last year, the Screen Support Scheme replaced the now defunct Creative Malta programme, overseen by the Film Commission, while seeing management for funding local projects shifted from the Tourism Ministry to the Culture Ministry.
Last year, Marshall called for funding for local productions to rise to €3 million in comments to Times of Malta.
While Malta has seen various blockbuster Hollywood films shot in the country over the years, there has been criticism at what some have argued is a lack of support for homegrown productions.