The Malta Environment Foundation (MEF) was officially launched last week, with the aim of financially supporting environmental initiatives by NGOs.

“We are extremely thrilled to be at this important milestone, as we officially launch this project, which we have collectively worked on for the past two years,” Tamsin Caruana, MEF executive director, said at the launch, held during an event at Casa Rocca Piccola in Valletta, on Wednesday evening.

“Our aim is to identify and generate funds from various sectors, be it CSR, ESG, philanthropic, as well as other private sector funding, to support a growing number of NGOs who are extremely active and creative in running projects that contribute directly towards nurturing a sustainable and resilient future for Malta’s environment,” she explained.

“We want to be a supporting arm to the sector, bringing together the private and the NGO sectors for the sake of protecting our local environment. Rather than reinventing the wheel, we want to bolster the great work that is already taking place, and make sure that it finds the right financial support, through our foundation.”

The MEF seeks to position itself as a bridge between the grassroot projects driving impact in Malta’s environmental sector, and the capital that enables such projects, through philanthropic and private sectors.

In order to focus its efforts, for greater efficiency and impact, at its inception the MEF carried out a rigorous scoping study to identify the most relevant areas of focus in order to ensure a systemic approach towards nurturing a sustainable and resilient environmental future.

This allowed MEF to identify three main mission approaches, namely ‘Community Agency and Action’; ‘Innovative and Creative Approaches to Environmental Challenges’; and ‘Space for Nature to Thrive’. All grant applicants are required to tackle at least one of the above mission approaches, ensuring effective impact.

“Securing funding relies on considerable resources which can be a serious challenge. We are aware how especially true this is for NGOs and grassroot projects, operating on limited resources. Conversely, the private sector may also find it challenging to identify great environmental causes, to distribute funds in the most effective way possible.

MEF executive director Tamsin CaruanaMEF executive director Tamsin Caruana

“MEF shall take the two-pronged approach of supporting both the NGO and private sectors to drive effective and long-lasting impact in the efforts being made on both sides,” Caruana continued.

The foundation forms part of Conservation Collective, a global network of 21 locally focused environmental foundations dedicated to preserving, protecting and regenerating local environments.

Supporting both the NGO and private sectors to drive effective and long-lasting impact

Speaking during the event, Conservation Collective founder Ben Goldsmith mentioned how their aim is to facilitate building a strong network of foundations spread around the world, working closely with local teams to help establish them on the ground.

“That is why the MEF is for the Maltese, by the Maltese,” Goldsmith said.

Though the MEF was only officially launched in March, in its first months of existence, it has already raised €100,000 and supported seven environmental initiatives to run their operations.

In the category of ‘Innovative Conservation Solutions’, MEF has helped Friends of the Earth with their project ‘Renewable Energy Communities’, as well as ROTA with ‘Sustainable Transportation’.

Sharklab Malta received funds from MEF for their project ‘Shark and Ray Conservation’, the Malta Ranger Unit was assisted in its project ‘Supporting Malta’s Rangers’, and ACT Malta received MEF’s help with ‘Regenerating Landscapes’. All these formed part of MEF’s ‘Space for Nature to Thrive’ category.

Under ‘Community Agency and Action’, MEF supported the nature documentary Natura Maltija, as well as Żibel with their project ‘Cleaning Malta’s Sea’.

MEF’s goal is to raise €150,000 by 2026, to continue supporting great initiatives that help protect Malta’s precious natural environment.

“Ultimately, the MEF’s vision is to specialise in identifying the most impactful grassroot nature restoration projects in Malta, and direct funds towards them, where they are needed quickly to deliver the greatest benefits for nature,” Caruana concluded.

The launch of the foundation was supported by Casa Rocca Piccola, Valletta, and the Phoenicia Hotel, Floriana.

Private entities can support MEF in a number of ways, through direct donations, by partnering with MEF as well as joining the cause.

For more information, visit or Instagram account@maltaenvironment.

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