The Malta Women's Lobby on Wednesday expressed disappointment that no women had been appointed as commissioners by the Parliamentary Ombudsman. 

“This is concerning and suggests that the old boys' network prevails in the nomination process of such entities,” it said in a statement.

The Parliamentary Ombudsman Anthony C. Mifsud on Tuesday appointed commissioners for Health, Education and Environment and Planning.

Perit Alan Saliba was re-appointed as Commissioner for Environment and Planning, while Chief Justice Emeritus Vincent A. De Gaetano was also re-appointed as Commissioner for Education.

Raymond Galea was appointed as Commissioner for Health. He succeeds Charles Messina, whose two terms as commissioner expired recently.

The appointments are for a five-year term.

The Commissioners, like the Ombudsman, are autonomous Officers of Parliament and enjoy the same independence and security of tenure.  The Commissioners work independently but coordinate their work with the Office of the Ombudsman.

The Malta Women’s Lobby said it believed that “greater effort” should be made to seek qualified women in the appointment of such roles.

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