Malta has lost the highest percentage of soil to construction activity in Europe, fresh data has revealed.
Figures from Eurostat show that, by 2018, the island’s rate of ‘soil sealing’ was 18 per cent of its total land area. Soil sealing is soil covered with artificial, impenetrable surfaces such as asphalt or concrete, which is irreversible.
The second-highest rate was registered in the Netherlands although this was still notably lower than that of Malta at roughly eight per cent
Malta’s figure is significantly higher than the EU average, which, in 2018, stood at less than two per cent.

The second-highest rate was registered in the Netherlands although this was still notably lower than that of Malta at roughly eight per cent.
The figures come from a report on Sustainable Development Goals published by the Eurostat, the EU’s statistics office.
More than a quarter of Malta's surface built up
Because the rate is worked out as a percentage of the total land surface, being the smallest EU state, Malta can be said to have a disadvantage. Other countries, much bigger than Malta, tend to have vast swathes of untouched land.
The problem with Malta’s soil depletion had been flagged by the EU over a decade ago in a report focusing on soil sealing.
At the time, the EU had described the island as being “under extreme pressure” for land use although it commended Malta for its efforts to ensure fewer buildings are constructed on virgin or usable soil resources.
According to Eurostat, more than a quarter of Malta’s surface area is built, the highest figure in Europe.
In the first quarter of 2022 alone, 609 building permits for a total of 3,203 new dwellings were approved, 25 per cent over the same period last year.
An environment ministry spokesman noted that the highest sealing rates occurred in small countries with high population densities.
He said the ministry was working to adopt mitigation measures to ensure this factor is considered in projects.