A group of cyclists from Malta have arrived in Santiago de Compostela bringing to an end a 1,300-kilometre cycling challenge that started from Barcelona on Sunday.

The 35 cyclists, from the Alive Charity Foundation, were accompanied by six backup members. They cycled about 10 hours per day, an average of 200 kilometres.

The route.The route.

On Saturday, their last day, they rode 188 kilometres from Ribadeo to St James Cathedral in Santiago de Compostela. The group ended up in high spirits having experienced extreme weather conditions ranging from very hot days to days with continuous rain.

The Alive Charity Foundation supports medical research projects in Malta in the field of cancer.

The original aim of the founding members was to reach the €1 million target. So far, the foundation’s efforts raised €700,000, including €135,000 in aid of breast cancer research, €170,000 to fund children’s cancer research and €80,000 invested in a children’s recreational area within the Sir Anthony Mamo Oncology Centre.

The team.The team.

Between 2019 and 2021, €227,000 were donated to the University of Malta to support seven cancer research projects, through funding of PhD scholarships. 

Alive’s current sponsored projects aim for three key aspects of cancer research: early detection, selection of the best treatment programmes, and patient support and rehabilitation.

Readers can donate through Paypal by clicking here.

Donations can also be made on the Go Get Funding page here.


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