A man without a valid driving licence was given a suspended sentence after crashing with his van into a motorcycle ridden by a man and his pregnant wife, and driving away.

Abas Mohamad Muhsen, 21 from Syria, was arrested on Thursday in Santa Venera, ending a days-long police search following a hit-and-run report in Marsa.

The motorcyclist and his wife suffered minor injuries in the accident. After the hit-and-run, the police had no information to find the accused.

However, on Thursday, the motorbike driver spotted the accused in Santa Venera and informed the police.

After arresting him, the police found that Muhsen did not have a valid driver’s licence nor the documentation to be in Malta.

The accused pleaded guilty to the charges.

Magistrate Gianella Camilleri Busuttil sentenced him to a two-year suspended sentence. The court also disqualified his license for 13 months.

Inspector Sarah Kathleen Zerafa prosecuted. Defence lawyers Jason Grima and Kirsty Muscat appeared for the accused.

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