A man has admitted attempting to rape a woman who was on her way to work in Floriana this week. 

Beyene Fessahatsion Weldeabzghil, 33, from Eritrea, pleaded guilty to the charges when he appeared in court on Friday. 

Magistrate Giannella Camilleri Busuttil heard how early on Thursday morning, police received a report that there was a woman who was being assaulted next to Floriana Gardens.

Once officers arrived on the scene, the accused attempted to run away but was eventually arrested.

Inspector John Spiteri said that once the accused was being questioned by police he admitted to tackling the victim to the ground and attempting to have sexual intercourse with her whilst she was screaming and crying.

A sentence for this case will be handed down in the coming weeks. Until then, the accused is being held under arrest.

Spiteri alongside Attorney General lawyers Jurgen Dalli and Jennifer Polidano prosecuted. Lawyer Alexia Vassallo acted as legal aid for the defendant.

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