Anyone flying on Air Malta as from Monday will have to wear a mask.

The airport was shut down on March 21 to curb the spread of COVID-19, and Air Malta has been operating repatriation flights since then.

Times of Malta is informed that commercial flights will resume mid-July.

In "preparing for the 'new' way of travelling", Air Malta announced on Thursday that the wearing of masks on its flights will be mandatory.

"Evidence suggests that the risk of transmission on board an aircraft is low due to the high efficient air ventilation and filtration systems.

"However, to further reduce the already low risk, as of June 1, all passengers travelling on an Air Malta flight will be required to wear, at all times, their own face mask."

Passengers must wear the mask during boarding, transfer to and from the aircraft, and while on the plane. Those without their own face mask will not be allowed to board the aircraft.

Air Malta is also recommending that the mask is kept on within the airport building, before and during check-in as well as upon arrival and during baggage collection.


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