MEPs have agreed to kickstart a Malta-led initiative to encourage health tourism to Europe.

The European Capital of Health Destination initiative was presented by Labour MEP Daniel Attard and given the green light by the EP's Transport and Tourism Committee.

It will begin with a €2 million effort to develop a European network to share best practices and innovative concepts in health tourism, active tourism, and sustainable, green destination standards, while promoting “Brand Europe” to visitors.

The initiative will also seek to improve access to green spaces and healthcare services, particularly in rural areas.

The EU estimates that health tourism makes up around 5% of general tourism in its 27 member states and contributes approximately 0.3% to the EU economy.  

Another Attard-led initiative, Upskilling and Reskilling the Tourism Ecosystem, was also green-lit by the EP committee, the Labour Party said in a statement.

The second initiative focuses on enhancing digital skills and data management among SMEs and tourism promotion entities with one key aim – to improve digital literacy among workers in the sector.

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