Problems for Valletta boatmen caused by works on an extension of the cruise liners jetty have been discussed at a meeting convened by the Transport Ministry.

The ministry said it had met a delegation of the barklori to discuss temporary and longer-term solutions.

It said the works will include permanent facilities for the boatmen near their current site. More talks are planned. 

The boatmen held a protest on their boats earlier this month, saying they feared the works could destroy the Maltese harbour boat tradition.

They gathered on 15 boats in front of Customs House in Valletta holding placards exclaiming "RIP dghajsa tal-pass", "workers forgotten by the Labour government" and "traitors of Maltese traditions".

The barklori claimed that the government has neglected them by failing to provide them with an alternative landing site while preparation works for plans to expand Pinto Wharf have already begun.  

The boatmen also met opposition leader Bernard Grech.

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