Multitude Bank has announced the launch of new digital deposit services for customers in Malta.

In a statement, the digital bank said that the introduction of new Savings Accounts and Fixed Term Deposits, both covered by the Maltese Depositor Compensation Scheme, reflects Multitude Bank’s focus on delivering flexible, competitive, and secure financial products to meet the diverse needs of its growing customer base.

Since 2012, Multitude Bank has grown its presence across more than 16 EEA countries, primarily through its consumer lending and deposit products. More recently, it has expanded into wholesale banking services, offering secured debt financing and payment solutions.

“We are incredibly proud to expand our services to Malta, marking a significant milestone for Multitude Bank. Following our success in Sweden, we are excited to introduce a competitive deposit product for Maltese residents and look forward to launching it in additional countries soon,” said Dario Azzopardi, Deputy CEO of Multitude Bank.

“Multitude Bank has operated with a fully digital approach since day one, defining our commitment to innovation. Today, anyone residing in Malta can apply effortlessly from the comfort of their home – or anywhere else – by simply visiting our website.”

Irrespective of the term of the deposit, the Gzira-based bank pays interest on a monthly basis, even on savings accounts.

“With our deposit services, we are not just expanding our local offerings but setting new standards for digital banking excellence in Malta and beyond.”

Disclaimer: Multitude Bank p.l.c. is a public limited company, registered under the laws of Malta with number C56251, with its registered address at ST Business Centre 120, The Strand, Gzira, GZR 1027, Malta. Multitude Bank p.l.c. is licensed as a credit institution by the Malta Financial Services Authority.

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