The Malta Union of Teachers has called an extraordinary general meeting for June 14 where members will be asked to extend the council’s term by six months so negotiations on the sectoral agreement can continue.

In a note to members, the union gave notice of an extraordinary general conference called by president Marco Bonnici against a backdrop of extraordinary circumstances involving pending agreement negotiations and conclusions, trade disputes and widespread industrial actions currently in force.

The Education Ministry wrote to all teachers earlier this week, explaining the contents of the collective agreement it had agreed with the MUT, and how it will personally impact them.

It also set up a call centre to answer teachers' questions. Teachers can phone on  25981150 or send their questions to

The ministry said the agreement features better allowances, adjustment of pay scales and additional payments for all grades.

The agreement was announced by the government and the MUT last month, but was subject to approval by the teachers.

The union last week suspended plans to vote on a new collective agreement for educators, following rumblings of discontent with the deal on the table.

It said it was freezing the process because it was “dissatisfied with the government’s final written offer, which will not address the complaints of various categories of educators.”

According to figures shown to educators, teachers would see their pre-tax pay increase by up to €4,000 this year. Further increases in teachers’ allowances are planned over the next three years, with rises of up to €6,800 against current levels planned by 2027.

However, those increases will come in the form of allowances, rather than adjustments to educators' base salaries.

The MUT told members on Friday that the EGM will discuss one single motion, proposed unanimously by the MUT council: to extend the term of office of the council by six months – from July 1 to December 31.

“This is to enable the satisfactory conclusion of negotiations and subsequent implementation of the four main agreements, namely the state sectoral agreement, the Church collective agreement, the MCAST agreement and the ITS agreement,” the council said in its note to members.

MUT paid-up members who want to attend the Extraordinary General Conference must complete the registration form by Wednesday at noon.

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