The teachers' union has suspended directives at MCAST until the end of the month, saying significant progress had been registered in discussions with the government over staff's working conditions.

The union and MCAST have been locked in negotiations over a new collective agreement for nearly three years.

The last collective agreement - which covers lecturers, LSEs, senior research officers, support services grades, student mentors and technicians - expired in December 2021.

On Friday the Malta Union of Teachers said following extensive discussions with Education Minister Clifton Grima, it had registered significant progress in negotiations.

The union informed its members MUT will be suspending all directives at MCAST with effect from February 18 till the end of the month.

This, it said, should "enable further negotiations" to conclude the collective agreement.

Grima meanwhile said the directives were being suspended as a result of efforts by people who cared about the future of MCAST's education community.

"This is just the first step as we need to ensure the immediate conclusion of the collective agreement for the benefit of educators while respecting our children's student life."

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