Over the past four years, Epic has witnessed a surge in mobile data usage, with the numbers telling a compelling story. From 4.8 million gigabytes (GB) in 2019 to a staggering 46.9 million GB in 2023, Epic’s mobile data usage has undergone a tenfold increase. This surge not only points to our growing reliance on mobile connectivity but also highlights the evolving role of smartphones ‒ from mere communication tools to pivotal hubs of entertainment, work and daily management.

This evolution is driven by our ability to collect, process ‒ and swiftly transfer large volumes of data over the web. The seismic shift towards digitalisation has been mirrored across various facets of our society, altering how we socialise, shop and entertain ourselves. Each year, our online experience becomes faster, more immersive and even more convenient.

Looking at the trends in retrospect, it’s no wonder that in just one month today, our users consume an amount of data roughly equivalent to that consumed during all of 2019.

Many have been speaking about the changing role of the phone and how we use it, but few were tasked with building the critical infrastructure capable of supporting these evolving demands, even before they happened.

At the beginning of Epic’s journey in Malta, the team committed €40 million investment to rebuild our network infrastructure − the strongest network we have ever built. Undertaking such an ambitious rebuild was no small feat for Epic. Securing the necessary funding and overcoming numerous challenges along the way tested our resolve and commitment to excellence.

The successful completion of this project stands as a testament to Epic’s dedication to maintaining the high standard of service our customers expect. This achievement exemplifies the power of efficient organisation and a culture of perseverance. Through smart planning and a relentless drive towards efficiency, we’re demonstrating that even the most ambitious goals are within reach, setting a new benchmark for what we can accomplish in the future.

These efforts have already started bearing fruit and were recently solidified by Ookla SpeedTest Awards, the global leader in internet testing and analysis, which confirmed Epic’s mobile network as Malta’s fastest.

The upgrade also benefits customers in a tangible way as it enables Epic to offer the fastest fibre internet service, significantly outperforming cable internet. The shift to fibre is a leap towards unmatched speed, reliability and bandwidth, facilitating faster and longer-distance signal transmission.

Strategic investments fuel digital transformation

However, the exponential rate of technological advancement highlights the rapidly evolving nature of the industry and the fact that one can never rest on their laurels.

The 2023 EY Attractiveness Report for Malta underscored the importance of a fast and reliable connection to Malta’s economy. While it is encouraging to see that most respondents (62%) reflected satisfaction with telecommunications services in the country, this reality underscores the necessity for continuous upgrades and improvements in our infrastructure.

Such progress isn’t solely the responsibility of telecom providers. The government plays a pivotal role in fostering a competitive environment that encourages investment from telecom companies. Upgrading a network’s infrastructure requires investment beyond the technology infrastructure itself.

Given the importance of the digital economy for an island-state like Malta, three pillars need to be seen to, for Malta to keep up with the exponential pace of change.

Primarily, the authorities need to ensure a regulatory framework which is clear, unambiguous and streamlined, enabling players to have a one-stop-shop when planning for the future.

Future readiness also requires a second pillar, that of having sound policy which encourages innovation, competition and investment while safeguarding consumer interests.

Third, and surely not least, the country needs to operate a constructive consultation process where players are part of the discussion earlier on and not roped in at a later stage, when it’s most often, too late to shape the right future together.

Our goal is to create a digital future that is defined by speed, reliability and seamless connectivity

These three pillars are crucial in the telecom sector, driving operators to innovate continuously and remain at the forefront of technological advances. This dynamic not only benefits the providers but also stimulates the entire economy, ensuring that Malta remains a competitive player on the global stage.

Connectivity as a business imperative

As we forge ahead, bolstered by our recent successes, it’s crucial to acknowledge the broader implications of our technological advancements. Not keeping pace with the speed of change impacts our society daily, as is the case with the challenges Malta faces around its traffic and its power infrastructure. 

Successful business clients on our network are making change happen every day. There are countless stories of businesses that we have seen grow on the Epic network. Some of these businesses start off with what many would think is a crazy idea at the start, yet several years later, few would need convincing of their exponential growth story.  

These businesses depend on cloud computing, real-time data analytics, online collaboration tools and bandwidth-intensive services like video conferencing, VoIP and remote desktop services.

A modern business demands networks that can support numerous connected devices without compromising speed or security. These types of business are, in fact, the main contributors to Malta’s economy as evidenced by the annual GDP trends.

Epic meets these businesses’ demands by enhancing our infrastructure to support high-bandwidth applications and services, ensuring that businesses in Malta can utilise the latest digital tools and technologies to remain competitive globally.

Embracing the future

The exponential increase in video content consumption, particularly through platforms like TikTok and Instagram, now dominates the digital landscape, significantly contributing to the overall data usage. This trend is only set to accelerate as advancements in graphics and viewing devices enhance the video consumption experience.

Undoubtedly, artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to usher in a new era of data consumption. AI’s capacity to personalise content, automate processes and enable smarter, more efficient operations means that our reliance on data will continue to grow exponentially.

Epic is keenly aware of these evolving trends and is committed to enhancing our network’s capacity to support the future of digital innovation, ensuring our users remain at the forefront of the digital age.

Ultimately, our goal is to create a digital future that is defined by speed, reliability and seamless connectivity. By prioritising investments in infrastructure, innovation and global connectivity, we can ensure that everyone can thrive in a future of seamless connectivity that offers everyone the possibility of thriving in a fast-paced digital economy.

Karl Galea is chief of marketing at Epic.

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