A new centre to strengthen expertise in the semiconductor industry is set to open in Malta.

Addressing a semiconductor conference on Monday, Economy Minister Silvio Schembri said the competence centre will support industry players and provide opportunities for people looking to enter the sector. 

The centre is part of a European Union initiative to bolster the semiconductor industry. 

Schembri highlighted how the sector contributes to just over 30% of Malta’s exports.  

He said the pivotal role played by the semiconductor industry had led the US, China and the EU to all draw up specific legislation and strategies.

“Competition is fierce, and the industry has been subject to geo-political tensions,” Schembri said. 

The government plans to launch a specific strategy for the sector that will dovetail with its Vision 2050 plan, he said. Launched last month, the government's Vision 2050 drive seeks to develop what it calls a "blueprint" for Malta's development until that date. 

Stakeholder consultation for this plan will take place in the first quarter of 2025, and the strategy will be finalised by the end of next year, Schembri said. 

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