Opposition leader Bernard Grech has accused the prime minister of failing to hold consultations for the appointments of a new Commissioner for standards in public life and the Ombudsman.

Speaking in an interview on Net FM, Grech said Robert Abela should not be dragging his feet on these two important appointments.

A PN statement quoted Grech as saying that to date, no consultations had been held by the government.

The term of Ombudsman Anthony Mifsud ended last year, although he stayed on in a temporary capacity, while George Hyzler is stepped down as standards commissioner to take up a post in the European Court of Auditors.

In April last year, Times of Malta had reported that talks had been held between the government and the opposition on the appointment of a new Ombudsman, and the PN had proposed Hyzler - before his nomination to the Court of Auditors was made. The talks had ended up in deadlock, with Abela subsequently accusing the Opposition of rejecting all those suggested by the government.

Among other issues, Grech in the interview also referred to the cost of living, saying the living standards of many people were deteriorating as prices rose, but the government had offered no solutions.  

He also noted that despite a court judgment finding that consumers were overcharged for their electricity consumption, the government had shown no plans to reimburse the millions that were stolen.


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