Parents whose children with a disability need specialised therapy can now apply for a refund of up to €750.

The budget measure - which sees the credit increase by €250 from €500, and transformed from a tax credit into a refund - was announced in October of last year. 

On Thursday, Inclusion Minister Julia Farrugia and Commissioner for the Rights of People with a Disability Rhoda Garland said the refund applies to therapy for those aged 16 and under.

The refunds will be issued every three months against proof of receipt and will be up to a maximum of €750 in one year.

Parents with a low income and those on social benefits who are tax-exempt will now start being eligible for the refund. 

Eligible children will require an EU disability card, while the therapy should be provided by an authorised or licensed therapist. 

Farrugia said some 450 families benefitted from the measure over the past two years.

Parents need to send a refund application form, together with copies of receipts or invoices, to or Uffiċċji tal-G5 tas-CRPD, Triq Salvu Psaila, Birkirkara. 

The form can be downloaded from here.

Those who wish to apply for a tax credit for 2024 therapy can send their documents to CRPD by March 15.

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