Planning a wedding is often a joyful and exciting experience for the couple. However, navigating the many details that go into organising such an event may also bring about stress and pressure.

To organise a wedding, the couple needs to coordinate a range of services, such as hiring a photographer and videographer, booking a reception venue, arranging catering and music, selecting flower arrangements, renting cars, choosing bridal wear, and purchasing souvenirs.

While each of these elements contributes to creating a memorable day, the process of booking these services can present several challenges for the couple. If not handled properly, these problems can lead to financial loss and unnecessary frustration. Therefore, careful organisation and clear communication with the suppliers are key to avoiding problems and ensuring a seamless experience.

The couple’s first responsibility is to shop around to find the services that best meet their needs. These needs must be clearly communicated to the service providers before finalising the booking. It is also important that the couple compares prices, quality and reputation of various suppliers before making any purchase decisions.

Ensure that all that was agreed verbally has been included in the contract

Once a supplier is selected, the couple must carefully review and fully understand the terms and conditions of the contract before signing or making any deposits. A sales contract outlines the legal obligations of both the couple and the supplier, so it is crucial for the couple to be aware of these obligations.

If while reading the contract’s conditions, they find terms that they are not comfortable with, the couple can try to negotiate changes with the supplier. If there is a mutual agreement on the proposed amendments, it is essential to have the changes signed and documented.

In addition, before signing the sales contract, couples are advised to ensure that all that was agreed verbally has been included in the contract. Verbal agreements are hard to prove and may not offer adequate legal protection. For instance, if the couple has chosen a particular photographer or musician, they must make sure that their name is explicitly included, along with any back-up plans in case they are unavailable.

The couple should also make sure that the total cost listed in the contract is correct, including deposits, due dates for payments and any additional charges that might arise.

Special attention should be given to the supplier’s cancellation policy. The couple should check on what happens if the wedding needs to be postponed or cancelled. Is the deposit refundable? What about the remaining balance?

Unless specified otherwise in the contract, failure to fulfil the agreement may result in the couple losing their deposit and potentially being liable for the full payment. This is common when cancellations occur close to the wedding date.

Some businesses may require full payment before the event. The couple should make sure that this requirement is clearly outlined in the contract and must request a written receipt or acknowledgements of any payments made.

Whenever a purchase is made or deposit paid, it is the couple’s responsibility to retain proof of the transaction. This can be in the form of a fiscal receipt or any other document that confirms what was purchased, from where and when. In case of any issues with the product or service, having proof of purchase is essential to seek redress.

Couples have a legal right to request a remedy if traders fail to meet their obligations. Therefore, if issues arise, such as a venue not meeting the agreed standards or a caterer failing to provide the listed food items, the couple is entitled to seek redress.

This may include requesting refunds, replacements or compensation for any discrepancies. Moral damages may also be claimed if the supplier’s shortcomings cause the couple distress and loss of enjoyment on their wedding day.

Wedding planning is a complex process that involves numerous transactions with various suppliers, making it essential for the couple to be aware of their rights as consumers. When in doubt or when they encounter problems, couples can reach out to the Office for Consumer Affairs within the MCCAA for guidance and support.

This office provides information, advice and assistance to help consumers navigate disputes or concerns, ensuring that they are treated fairly and in accordance with the law.

Seeking professional advice early can often prevent misunderstandings from escalating into more serious legal or financial issues. 

Odette Vella is director, Information and Research Directorate, MCCAA.

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