Dgħajjes għar-Rdoss: a collection of poems 

by Karmenu Mallia

self-published, 2024

Dgħajjes għar-Rdoss is Karmenu Mallia’s  most recent publication – one that is once again different  and even more brilliant than his various other numerous sets of poems, novels and short stories previously published to date, highlighted by a collection of poems that, thanks to his long lifetime experiences, has metaphorically guided him onto a series of boats from a restless sea to the welcome becalmed shelter of a mind, heart and soul in peace.

These poems vary in style, length, moods and, why not, the delightful witticisms, all intentionally built on a common focal point, all meant to deliver a message, all giving food for thought and demanding self-reflection and lots of soul-searching in human power and frailty.

Mallia’s poems here deal with various standards and current themes, tendencies, moods and what have you: sentimental, descriptive, social, religious, historic, psychological, didactic and, particularly, humorous. Like very experienced actors, all the poems in this book pave the way to amusing pleasant moments brought about by different predicaments, emotions and situations.

The author’s lifetime experiences have metaphorically guided him to calmer waters. Photo: Shutterstock.comThe author’s lifetime experiences have metaphorically guided him to calmer waters. Photo: Shutterstock.com

As in each of all his other books, Mallia resorts to lines that are very appealing as well as highly picturesque and descriptive, thus making each poem more appealing and enjoyable to the reader.

Ex-member of the international Academy of Esperanto, Mallia has also recently published a fabulous collection of poems in Esperanto: Versojelmiaputo (verses from my well) and, very well versed in various languages, poems in English, Italian and French further add cherries to this delicious cake!

Neatly and lavishly printed at Progress Press, this collection is a must for all those who cherish their native tongue and poetry at its best.


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