Two men were on Sunday remanded in custody after a failed attempt to steal from a Sliema optician's shop.

Bojan Dovic, a 42-year-old Bosnian national was charged alongside his accomplice, a 33-year-old Englishman.

The Englishman’s name could not be published due to a court order, as he is assisting police investigations into the theft.

Inspector Michael Vella told the court that Dovic was arrested on site after police found him locked up in the shop. 

The Englishman, who is known to the police, was traced through CCTV footage.

While Dovic denied the charges, the Englishman admitted to them and will assist the police in their investigations.

Both men were remanded in custody.

Magistrate Giannella Camilleri Busuttil presided.

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