The Malta Football Association and the Environment Ministry have teamed up on a €530,000 project to encourage football clubs to implement environmental projects.

In a statement, the government said the projects would range from greening and other initiatives to “improve the aesthetics” of areas surrounding football grounds to introducing sustainable practices such as water conservation for irrigation.

The four-year agreement will also cover “beautification works” to the National Football Centre in Ta’ Qali and around the Gozo Stadium.

Environment Minister Miriam Dalli, whose ministry Project Green falls under, said collaborations like that announced would not only helping sporting organisations “enhance” their spaces, but also “bring people closer to the environment”.

Stressing the “sporting and social role” fulfilled by football clubs, Sport Minister Clifton Grima said clubs “play an important role in the holistic development of our children.”

Project Green CEO Joseph Cuschieri, meanwhile, stressed the agency was actively engaging with the community, adding more work was being done to regenerate open spaces.

Calling the project “exciting”, MFA president Bjorn Vassallo said it was a “pleasure for the Association to be part of projects that promote sustainability and improve quality of life”.

The scheme will be managed by the MFA. Football clubs interested in applying for the Green Goal initiative are invited to contact the Association at

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