Extracts from the Christmas 2024 midnight mass homily of Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, in the Basilica of the Nativity.


Joseph’s and Mary’s faith

“Joseph and Mary experienced the grace of Christmas, the true birth of Christ, not in a way nor at a time or under circumstances chosen by them, or particularly favourable to them. At that time, an overpowering empire ruled the world and decided its social and economic destinies. At that time, this Holy Land of ours was equally subject to the game of international interests, no less than today. Yet, without complaint, without refusal, without rebellion, Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem and here, they were open to receiving the birth of Christ in that way. Was their choice driven by resignation? By doubt, powerlessness, or incompetence? Certainly not! It was driven by faith! And faith, when genuine and deeply rooted, brings a fresh and enlightened perspective on history, for ‘believing is seeing!’”


True power

“However, Christ is not in competition with the powers of this world. The power of divine love is not simply stronger than the world, but it has a different kind of power. The Caesars of this world are entrapped inside the vicious circle of strength, which eliminates enemies, in turn only to create new ones (we must bitterly note this every day).”


Living in faith and hope

“We are called by tonight’s angels to live in faith and hope... We, too, must live our history. We should not be forced to, or resigned to do so, or be ready to flee as soon as possible. We are called by tonight’s angels to live in faith and hope. We too, like Joseph and Mary, like the shepherds, must choose and decide whether to welcome the angel’s announcement with faith or to go our own way: believe or leave. Alternatively, we can choose to adopt the style of Caesar Augustus, Herod, and many others, and thus be akin to those who write history through power and overpowering others.”


(Compiled by Fr Joe Borg)

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