The second turtle nesting site of thes season has been spotted at Ġnejna during a routine morning patrol by Nature Trust Malta volunteers.
The Environment and Resources Authority said in a statement on Sunday that based on recent sightings of turtles in the sea, this is most likely a loggerhead turtle nest.
ERA officers are currently coordinating with Nature Trust Malta (NTM-FEE) to cordon off the area an ensure the nest is protected.
ERA said it will continue to support NTM and the relevant stakeholders to ensure the protection of the nest. An Emergency Conservation Order will also be issued.
Last week, the first nesting site of this season was observed at Ramla l-Ħamra, in Gozo.
The public is encouraged to act responsibly as excessive noise, trampling and light close to the nesting area may pose a threat to turtle eggs and any hatchlings, ERA said.

While thanking the public for their support and co-operation, it said any observations of turtle activity should immediately be reported to ERA on tel: 2292 3500, through its customer care system, or directly to NTM.
Volunteers will also be required by NTM during the nesting period to help with monitoring and other tasks related to the nest. People who wish to volunteer, should send an email here for more information.
NTM are sponsored by ERA to conduct animal rescues and rehabilitation around the Maltese islands.