The Psychology Department of the Gozo General Hospital is organising a seminar on dementia care at Queen Mary University, Malta Campus on Friday, April 4, between 8.30am and 1pm.

The seminar is aimed at increasing awareness and information about this condition and offering skills and strategies for relatives and carers on how best to manage it.

Various presentations will be delivered, including topics such as understanding dementia and responding better to it, the medical treatment for this condition, the impact of dementia on the couple and cognitive stimulation group work for patients with dementia.

Other presentations centre around government services and how best to access them, offered by the Dementia Care Directorate within the Ministry of Active Ageing and Community Care in Malta and Gozo, as well as a personal experience of a daughter taking care of a relative suffering from dementia.

Taking part in the seminar will be a geriatrician, a general practitioner and various psychology professionals, as well as experts on the subject. These include Jonathan Calleja, Nicole Scicluna Calleja, Laner Cassar, Yaser Teebi, Liza Azzopardi, Rebecca Xerri and Pauline Vella.

Registration for the seminar is on a first-come, first-served basis and can be done by calling 2344 6172 in the morning or by e-mailing by not later than March 27.

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