The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Wednesday.

Times of Malta leads with news that a court was told on Tuesday Keith Schembri had alerted Yorgen Fenech that Vince Muscat - one of the hitmen involved in Daphne Caruana Galizia’s murder - was cooperating with police.

The newspaper also reports that a Maltese payment company features in a global investment scam money trail that has seen victims from all walks of life and dozens of countries, fall prey to professional fraudsters.  

MaltaToday and The Malta Independent similarly report about the court hearing involving Schembri and Muscat.

Separately, both newspapers also report that EU chief Ursula von der Leyen has presented a five-part plan to mobilise some 800 billion euros for Europe's defence - and help provide "immediate" military support for Ukraine after Washington suspended aid.

In-Nazzjon meanwhile refers to a PN press conference in which the party claimed the government had failed the people as it was just invested in itself.

In another article on its front page, the newspaper reports on Donald Trump's halting of military aid to Ukraine.

L-orizzont leads with data showing that 273 children have benefitted from foster placement. In a separate piece, the newspaper also reports on the 800 billion euros set to be invested in Europe's defence.

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