A seven-storey residential development, including a three-floor underground garage, has been recommended for approval, despite being planned on a site known to contain catacombs.

The planning application (PA/2946/24), filed by ACMUS Group, proposes the demolition of dilapidated structures to make way for 47 residential units, a shop and 59 underground garages. The site it located at Triq il-Qawra and Triq il-Fugass, St Paul’s Bay.

A Planning Authority case officer has recommended the project for approval.

The superintendence of cultural heritage (SCH) had already identified the classical period catacombs that were located adjacent to the site.

Photos sent to Times of Malta show that excavation works appear to have already begun.

The SCH’s report confirmed the presence of the catacombs and noted how the area requires an archaeological investigation before any construction can proceed.

The catacombs in St Paul’s Bay.The catacombs in St Paul’s Bay.

It requested an archaeological evaluation before a development permit is issued, meaning its final approval is still pending. The architect agreed to this.

Additionally, the SCH noted that structures currently on-site, including a single-storey house and a rural structure, could potentially be demolished but mitigation measures must be taken.

Despite the SCH’s concerns, the case officer’s report does not directly address the presence of the catacombs. However, the SCH recommended that any demolition and excavation works would require the SCH’s clearance.

The SCH also raised concerns about the blank walls the development would create, recommending that design changes be considered to reduce the visual impact.

Residents also raised objections to the proposed development arguing that this would create noise and air pollution that may be a potential health risk.

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