A new exhibition at ArtHall in Victoria is inspired by a social movement that originated in China.

Titled Tang Ping, which literally translates as “lying flat”, the exhibition refers to a global phenomenon that reflects a mindset and lifestyle choice, where individuals choose to reject societal pressures to overwork and overachieve in an endless rat race. Instead, this movement embraces a more minimalist, low-effort approach to life, opting for comfort and personal well-being.

The exhibition features the work of Tomas Hed, Hui Sun, Wallace Falzon and Spyke von Stripe, who in different ways and through various mediums, express their concern about time, dirty competition, being trapped and losing autonomy, among other issues.

Hed, originally from Sweden, lives in Gozo and has worked for many years as an art director in Stockholm, having his own studio in Gamla Stan, the old part of the city.

China-born Sun had numerous exhibitions in China and worked at Yunnan Art University as an art teacher from 2012 to 2021. Nowadays, he lives in Malta with his wife, also an artist, and they have a studio in Swieqi. He is also a fellow member of the Malta Society of Arts.

Falzon is a Maltese-British artist, whose works range from mixed media paintings to kinetic sculptures. One of his most poignant sculptures, Lest We Forget, is displayed at the Sliema seafront, remembering and reflecting on the hard times experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Von Stripe is a Canadian-born artist who has gained notoriety for his unique works of art since moving back to Gozo, with media ranging from airbrushed painting and murals to metal sculptures and installations. He strives to use recycled materials as much as possible within his art, guaranteeing a unique and original flavour to each of his creations.

Tang Ping runs until March 30. Visit the gallery’s Facebook page for opening hours and more information.

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