A new Facebook page promoting "premium quality" cat meat in Malta has sparked an outcry among local animal lovers unaware that it is a spoof.
‘Paws and Tails’ Cat Gourmet Butcher appeared online on Wednesday, describing itself as a small family-run business that specialises in "feline meat."
“All our produce is currently grown in Poland and France but we are planning to start a local organic farm in Malta in the very near future,” the shop's first post read.
Throughout the rest of the day, the page posted information and pictures about the new butcher in town, allegedly to be set up in Żebbuġ.
Alongside a picture of three cute kittens, a description reads:
“Did you know that meat tastes better if animals are treated well? Our farmers love and care for our felines to ensure you receive the best quality products.”
Another post promoted that the cat butcher will have a meat selection of “newborn kittens”, advising customers to cook the meat in a ‘French cuisine style’.
In other posts, the shop offers customers ġbejniet cheeselets made of cat milk, informs customers that it slaughters kittens using halal methods and solicits offers for rabbit cages to keep cats in.
It was not long before the page caught the attention of people, especially dedicated cat feeders.
“Go and rot in hell devil monster,” one person commented on their post.
“Are you joking? I’m very upset about this. Hope this is a joke,” another wrote.
“Have you lost your mind??” another questioned.
One cat feeder was so shocked by the page, that she took a screenshot of the page and tagged Animal Rights minister Anton Refalo and Parliamentary Secretary Alicia Bugeja Said, calling for them to take action.
Who is behind the page?
While the page appears genuine, it is actually a spoof by vegan activists, intended to raise awareness about the treatment of animals.
Popular vegan activism page Veggy Malta partially gave the game away when it posted about the cat butcher.
"Finally an alternative to cows, pigs and chickens for all the meat eaters out there," the page wrote. "Thumbs up for this new venture."
Commissioner flags cognitive dissonance
Animal Welfare Commissioner Alison Bezzina said her mobile was “on fire” on Thursday with people complaining about the page.
“But what’s actually a joke is how most people do not see the very valid point that this is trying to make,” she said. “We are outraged and disgusted at the idea of cats being bred and slaughtered for their meat (even if their welfare on the farm is safeguarded) but many don’t blink an eye if instead of a cat it’s a cow, a pig or a lamb that’s being sacrificed for our taste buds.”
The commissioner is a vegetarian who says she is gradually making the transition to becoming vegan.
"While the page might be a social experiment, I appeal to the public to think long and hard about the point that it's trying to make," she said.
Bezzina, who sparked controversy in June when she encouraged people to switch from cow's milk to plant-based alternatives, said outrage should not be based on how cute an animal is or if it’s ever been a pet, but on the fact that all animals feel pain and that eating them is “not a necessity but simply a human pleasure.”
What inspired activists to create the page?
The 'cat butcher' page launch coincides with the Malta Meat Free Week Challenge, which is happening this week. The challenge encourages people to stop consuming meat or dairy products for seven days.
Animal Liberation Malta activist Katerina Younes told Times of Malta about the inspiration behind 'Paws and Tails'.
"We hoped to make people realise that the way they felt about these cats is exactly the way vegans feel about any other animals who are being bred and slaughtered solely for people's taste buds," she said.
She said the page received a "massive response", especially from people who identified themselves as animal lovers, who were upset and devasted.
Younes said she also received some violent threats.
She asked why certain animals are given names, taken home and loved, while others are given a number on their ear and treated as "commodities".
"Animals are equal and deserve to be treated equally, the only difference is your perception."