The Għimmanu-El Għaqda Presepisti Għajnsielem association, which is based in Għajnsielem, organised its second symposium on the Nativity of Our Lord at the old parish church of Għajnsielem.

Association president Paul Stellini warmly welcomed all attendees, while Għajnsielem archpriest Frankie Bajada addressed the gathering, praising the association for hosting such a significant biblical and theological event, aimed at exploring the events surrounding the Nativity of Baby Jesus and their aftermath.

The first speaker was Mgr Carmelo Refalo, who talked about the Annunciation by Archangel Gabriel, while Fr Daniel Sultana reflected on the Nativity and its contemporary implications.

Cathedral archpriest Mgr Joseph Sultana shared insights on the adoration of the shepherds and the Three Wise Kings, while Mgr Lawrence Sciberras spoke about the Holy Family’s flight to Egypt and their eventual return years later.

At the end of the symposium, organisers announced that a third symposium will be held next year.

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