The 1,500-page Egrant inquiry report published by the Opposition leader included testimonies by key figures involved in the saga. We went through the report to find some of the most striking statements made. 

1. Journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia 

On handing over the document alleging Michelle Muscat owned Egrant: 

“No, because I don’t want to. I would have published it but I have certain reasons for not doing so.”

2. Prime Minister Joseph Muscat

On Egrant ownership: 

“This is a fabrication and speculation which we have been hearing about. First it was about me and recently we heard through the grapevine that my wife’s name will be coming out and to tell you the truth we regarded this as a joke. What I can say is that I categorically deny the allegations.”

3. PM’s wife Michelle Muscat

On various allegations: 

“It really is a funny story. Had it not been so serious that it brought me to court for the first time, it would really be a funny story.”

4. PM’s former chief of staff Keith Schembri

On Daphne Caruana Galizia and her writing: 

 “It’s not because I want to be defiant, I don’t mind, but she has crossed the limit…I do not know how to hate but I do not have respect for people like that.”


5. Former minister Konrad Mizzi

On Daphne Caruana Galizia: 

“Obviously I am a politician, I feel that I should be subjected to scrutiny but then when you get into personal life I feel it was grossly unfair and it created a lot of stress. For me, my mother, Sai, the children and it was unfair...” 

6. Whistleblower Maria Efimova

On looking through documents in the Pilatus Bank safe:

“I opened the safe, I found the file, but I was very curious to see what is in our files, why it is locked, so I opened another file and they were all declarations, and I saw, first one of Egrant… I saw two declarations, made from shareholders, I don’t know because it was trans (sic: trust) declaration always say about the share. So probably they were shareholders and I saw the names.”

7. Nexia BT accountant Karl Cini

On why clients sought to set up companies in Panama: 

“One opens a company there mostly because of the lack of requirements on a yearly basis… maybe because of accounts or VAT returns and other things of the sort. Obviously, everyone has their own reasons in terms of jurisdiction reference…

“Every jurisdiction has its appeal for the particular person seeking it.”

8. Nexia BT partner Brian Tonna

On Egrant and the Muscat family: 

“There was absolutely no connection, not only with Joseph Muscat and Michelle Muscat, but with anybody. With regard to Egrant, I was the ultimate beneficial owner until I gave instructions for its liquidation.”

9. Former EU Commissioner John Dalli

On Daphne Caruana Galizia: 

“In May 2016, the same terrorist, because that is what I call this one [Ms Caruana Galizia], had said the company Egrant is mine. She had a gut feeling, she said.”

10. Former FIAU investigator Jonathan Ferris

On Dubai and companies there:

“That [Dubai] is the only jurisdiction that is a black hole. Not even Panama, because in Panama you can go to the FIAU and check. We used to say Panama is secret, but Panama cooperated fully. Dubai is a black hole. Forget about it. It will not give you anything. And when you start seeing certain things…”

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