Karl Gouder embodied a love for life, a passion for people and a dedication to purpose that left a lasting impact on all who knew him. His was a life lived with intensity, a deep sense of care for others and a determination to make a difference in every space he occupied. Whether in his personal life, career, or political work, Karl’s passion was unmistakable, and his loss is a profound one for Malta. We have lost not just a man but a vision of how politics, service and leadership could be carried out differently.

One of the most enduring memories I have of Karl is the times we travelled together to Lourdes to help the sick. Year after year, Karl was there, ready not only to serve but to go above and beyond. He wasn’t just a volunteer – he was a friend, a confidant and a source of comfort for the sick and their families.

His ability to listen, to empathise and to genuinely care about those he served was remarkable. There was no task too small, no hour too late. Karl embodied the spirit of service, driven by a deep sense of purpose that was evident in every action he took.

This same drive carried through to every aspect of his life, especially during his time at university. Karl was a natural leader, particularly in student life and politics. He passionately advocated for students, always willing to engage, to fight for the causes he believed in and to ensure that student voices were heard. His style was marked not by a quest for power but by service – always striving to do good for the community and his peers.

In his professional life, Karl brought the same energy and commitment. At Malta’s leading printing press, he was instrumental in growing the business, especially in international markets. His success in business development reflected the same passion and drive that defined his entire life – a desire not just to succeed but to build, to create and to serve. His work left a lasting mark on the company and serves as a legacy of innovation and success.

Karl’s love for running was another testament to his discipline and passion. He took running seriously, viewing it not only as a physical challenge but as a mental and spiritual outlet. Like every other aspect of his life, he approached it with determination, always pushing himself further, never settling for less than his best.

But perhaps his true calling was most evident in his work with the Nationalist Party and Media.Link. Karl loved what he did, and he did what he loved. For him, politics was not about power or antagonism. It was about service to the country, to the people and to the ideals he believed in.

His leadership style was not defined by ego or ambition but by servitude – always seeking the greater good- JP Fabri

His vision of politics was one that Malta desperately needs today: a politics of unity, purpose and love for the country. Karl was a man of loyalty and integrity, someone who believed in doing what was right, not what was easy.

In a time when political discourse has become so often marked by division and antagonism, Karl stood out as a beacon of hope. His version of politics was one of collaboration, listening and finding solutions for everyone. His leadership style was not defined by ego or ambition but by servitude – always seeking the greater good.

In addition to his professional and political achievements, Karl’s personal warmth and joy were evident to all who knew him. His infectious laugh was unforgettable, a sound that would light up any room and immediately diffuse tension. Karl had an extraordinary ability to crack a joke at just the right moment, his unique laughter turning any tense situation into a lighter, more manageable one. It was this sense of humour, coupled with his empathy, that made him such a beloved figure to friends and colleagues alike.

Karl’s love for his family was at the core of who he was. He adored his parents and was incredibly close to his brothers, always cherishing the time they spent together. His nieces held a special place in his heart, and his devotion to them was unwavering. Likewise, his core group of friends were constants in his life, providing a foundation of loyalty and camaraderie that he treasured deeply.

With Karl’s passing, Malta has lost not just a politician but a new way of doing politics. We have lost a leader who believed in unity over division, service over self-interest and love for the country over personal gain. Yet, while Karl is no longer with us, his legacy can live on – if we choose to follow his example.

Karl represents the values that Malta needs now more than ever. It is up to us to carry forward his vision, to remember his passion and to let his life serve as a reminder of what true service looks like. Let Karl’s life inspire a new generation of politicians to lead with love, serve with purpose and build a Malta that is united in its pursuit of the common good.

JP Fabri is an economist.

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