Fourteen streets and squares will be transformed into greener, more pedestrian-friendly, and cycle-friendly spaces, as part of the government's Vjal Kulħadd (Everyone’s Boulevard) initiative.

This is a €10 million fund that plans on completing works in these 14 locations by 2026. Some of the works will be completed this year.

Launched in September, the Vjal Kulħadd initiative enables local councils to apply for projects to make village squares and residential streets safer and more pedestrianised.

The images disseminated to the media show more green areas at the expense of cars.

Around 40 local councils have applied for works in their localities.

See the proposals to improve your locality:

Triq Emvim Cremona and Xatt iċ-Ċangura, Floriana. Photo: Infrastructure MaltaTriq Emvim Cremona and Xatt iċ-Ċangura, Floriana. Photo: Infrastructure Malta

Triq Hompesch, Fgura. Photo: Infrastructure MaltaTriq Hompesch, Fgura. Photo: Infrastructure Malta

Pjazzetta in Triq Anġlu Gatt, Mosta. Photo: Infrastructure MaltaPjazzetta in Triq Anġlu Gatt, Mosta. Photo: Infrastructure Malta

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Misraħ Ħal Kirkop, Kirkop. Photo: Infrastructure MaltaMisraħ Ħal Kirkop, Kirkop. Photo: Infrastructure Malta

Triq Mons. Mikiel Azzopardi, Siġġiewi. Photo: Infrastructure MaltaTriq Mons. Mikiel Azzopardi, Siġġiewi. Photo: Infrastructure Malta

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Pjazza Tumas Dingli, Attard. Photo: Infrastructure MaltaPjazza Tumas Dingli, Attard. Photo: Infrastructure Malta

Triq San Tumas, Tarxien. Photo: Infrastructure MaltaTriq San Tumas, Tarxien. Photo: Infrastructure Malta

Triq Selmun, Mellieħa. Photo: Infrastructure MaltaTriq Selmun, Mellieħa. Photo: Infrastructure Malta

Triq il-Poetra Nazzjonali, Żebbuġ. Photo: Infrastructure MaltaTriq il-Poetra Nazzjonali, Żebbuġ. Photo: Infrastructure Malta

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